Approval Date: December 30, 2006Code...
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Information security management systems - Requirements STANDARD by International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission , 09/30/2022
Approval Date: December 30, 2006Code Cases will remain available for use until annulled by the applicable Standards Committee.Case 1827-3Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy N06600 forWater-Wetted ServiceSection IInquiry: May nickel-chromium-iron Alloy UNSN06600 seamless condenser and heat exchanger tubes,seamless pipe and tubes, plate, sheet and strip, rod andbar,...
MANDATORY APPENDIX JGUIDELINE FOR REQUESTING P-NUMBER ASSIGNMENTS FORBASE METALS NOT LISTED IN TABLE QW/QB-422ð23 J-100 INTRODUCTIONThis Mandatory Appendix provides requirements toCode users for submitting requests for P-Number assignmentsto base metals not listed in Table QW/QB-422 or at Such requests shall be limited tobase metals...
PG-35 COMPENSATION REQUIRED FOROPENINGS IN FLAT UNSTAYED HEADS ANDFLAT STAYED PLATESPG-35.1 General. The rules in this paragraph apply toall openings other than small openings covered byPG-32.1.4b.PG-35.2 Flat unstayed heads that have an openingwith a diameter that does not exceed one-half of thehead diameter or shortest span, as defined in PG-31,shall...
PART 4DESIGN BY RULE REQUIREMENTS4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS4.1.1 SCOPE4.1.1.1 The basic requirements for application of the design-by-rules methods of this Division are described in 4.1.The requirements of Part 4 provide design rules for commonly used pressure vessel shapes under pressure loading and,within specified limits, rules or guidance for treatment...
SA-352/SA-352M ASME BPVC.II.A-2023548Standard Specification forSteel Castings, Ferritic and Martensitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for Low-Temperature Service1. Scope1.1 This specification covers steel castings for valves,flanges, fittings, and other pressure-containing parts intendedprimarily for low-temperature service.1.2 Several grades...
SA-587 ASME BPVC.II.A-202310346.2 Flattening Test:6.2.1 Asection of pipe not less than 4 in. 102 mm in lengthshall be flattened cold between parallel plates in two steps. Theweld shall be placed 90° from the direction of the appliedforce. During the first step, which is a test for ductility, nocracks or breaks, except as provided for in 6.2.5, shall occur...
ASME BPVC.II.B-2023 SB-111/SB-111M832.2 ASTM Standards:B153 Test Method for Expansion Pin Test of Copper andCopper-Alloy Pipe and TubingB154 Test Method for Mercurous Nitrate Test for CopperAlloysB170 Specification for Oxygen-Free Electrolytic CopperRefinery ShapesB224 Classification of CoppersB846 Terminology for Copper and Copper AlloysB858 Test Method...
SFA-5.26/SFA-5.26M ASME BPVC.II.C-2023784Specification for Carbon and Low-Alloy SteelElectrodes for Electrogas Welding1. Scope1.1 This specification prescribes requirements for the classification of carbon and low-alloy steel electrodes forelectrogas welding. It covers solid and tubular flux cored and metal cored electrodes, for use either with or...
MANDATORY APPENDIX 1BASIS FOR ESTABLISHING STRESS VALUES IN TABLES 1A AND 1B1-100 DERIVATION OF ALLOWABLE STRESSVALUESThe values in Tables 1A and 1B are established by theCommittee only. In the determination of allowable stressvalues for materials, the Committee is guided by successfulexperience in service, insofar as evidence of satisfactoryperformance...
PART HGGENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALLMATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTIONARTICLE 1SCOPE AND SERVICE RESTRICTIONSHG-100 SCOPEa The rules of Part HG apply to steam heating boilers,hot water heating boilers, hot water supply boilers, and toappurtenances thereto. They shall be used in conjunctionwith the specific requirements in Part HF boilers ofwrought materials, Part...
instrument, creating A-scan information in real time andgenerating images that are essentially stacked A-scans,as opposed to FMC/TFM, which is non-beam-forming.F-451.1 Typical Workflow Process. FiguresF-451.1-1 through F-451.1-4 illustrate the typical workflowprocesses mentioned in F-450 and illustrate thatfor PAUT the following is true:a The delay law...