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GM 9984303:2016

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GM 9984303:2016

Phosphate Coating Final Sealant (Passivation) Rinse for Small Parts

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This specification covers the requirements for phosphate final sealant rinse materials, either trivalent chromium containing or chromium-free, for zinc and iron phosphatecoatings applied to metallic substrates. These sealants are to be used in conjunction with a specifically approved zinc or iron phosphate system (9984032,9984090,9984123 or 9984006) that uses all line materials from the same supplier.
Materials approved to this specification are to enhance the subsequent paint adhesion and improve corrosion resistance

Author General Motors
Editor GM
Document type Standard
Format File
Edition 3
Number of pages 2
Modified by Includes all amendments and changes through Inactive for New Design Notice 4, June 2016
Year 2016
Country USA