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GMW 14833:2019

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GMW 14833:2019

Speaker Performance Test Specification

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Purpose. This document establishes a centralized set of electrical and mechanical performance tests for GM loudspeaker components and subsystems. Performance requirements shall be established in accordance to the SSTS, and CTS for each appropriate level. The supplier is required to support and participate in subsystem or vehicle level Analysis/Development/Validation (ADV) tasks as specified in the Statement of Requirements (SOR), CTS, or by GM Engineering. Provides established common loudspeaker performance tests or methods for GM that will be delegated to be performed either on the vehicle, buck, subsystem, component, and/or bench.
Applicability. GM loudspeaker components and subsystems.

Author General Motors Worldwide (GMW)
Editor GM
Document type Standard
Format File
Edition 3
Number of pages 21
Replace GMW 14833 2nd Edition, october 2013
Year 2019
Country USA